Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The way of the pencil

As a kid I always enjoyed comic books.I loved the art,I loved the stories and the characters,I wanted to be a superhero myself(I still do) then I discovered drawing.I realized that I can create my own universe and that this real world is nothing more then a shell of an egg and that we are trapped inside until we brake out.The samurai go by the way of the sword,I guess mine is the way of the pencil.


  1. The above affidavit says that you were a normal kid. I liked your statement there "The samurai go by the way of the sword,I guess mine is the way of the pencil"

  2. I love comics books too! My favorite hero es Batman... Nice finals words btw!

  3. Comic books are epic, I just love looking at the drawings.

  4. Awesome post dude!

  5. I used to love drawing dont do it much anymore

  6. to be a super hero or some super being would be epic...guess that is why i love role playing games so much o.o i used to read comics when i was younger, not so much anymore.
